


When asked what I consider to be key characteristics of great leadership I always include consistency. It is essential that followers perceive their leaders to be consistent, stable, and dependable. Inconsistency breeds confusion and can distort the direction of teams. Consistency is a great attribute. It is a trait of great leaders, a characteristic of good parents and a virtue of loyal friends. Being consistent means, you can be depended upon. It means you have a foundation of unchanging beliefs.  Consistency implies stability. It does not have to mean that you are boring or lack spontaneity. It means that when facing a common set of circumstances, you generally respond the same way every time.  It is especially important as a leader.  If people never know what to expect from you, they stop expecting anything. You don’t want your followers to stop expecting anything.


Be consistent. Consistency builds loyal followers, strong companies, and stable families.


Presidents’ Day


The MMM frequently focuses on leadership and the traits that make quality leaders.  It suffices to say that many of our presidents have not possessed those qualities.  In fact, their behavior in their capacity as President, as well as in their personal lives, was often contrary to the behavior we associate with good leaders.  Certainly, we have had great leaders in the White House.  Those men likely mastered leadership before moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Others have depended upon the title to gain respect, support, and followers.  Respect should come with the Office, but trust, support and a following of the people must be earned. 

The title of President does not guarantee followers, just like your title at work does not guarantee you any true followers.  Titles just give us the opportunity to earn the trust and support of potential followers.  Some of the greatest leaders I know are influencers who have no official title.  By influencers, I am not referring to the social media kind. I am referring to people who positively influence others and lead them to a common goal.

Don’t expect too much from your title.  Demand more of yourself as a leader. Happy Presidents’ Day!


Super Bowl of Life?


The Big game played yesterday between the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals is always a big deal in the football world and certainly is entertaining to watch, but if we are not actually part of an NFL team (coach, player, owner, etc.) we can’t aspire to make it to that game.  There are Super Bowls of life that we can aspire to even hope to be named MVP…

·         There is the Super Bowl of a meaningful life

…or the one for materialistic success

·         What about the Super Bowl of positive impact

… as opposed to the one of personal fame

·         There is a Super Bowl for giving back

…but also one of selfishness

·         A Super Bowl of Faith

…or the one of stubborn independence

·         The Super Bowl for being a positive spouse, parent, or friend

…but also one for never developing meaning relationships


What Super Bowl of Life (or Bowls) are you training for?


Happy Valentine’s Day!


ABCs of Life


I was getting ready for work one day last week and found myself gazing at an “ABC” list of life advice sign in our home.  It is a list of great life suggestions we received from some wonderful friends.  The “G” caught my eye, as I have clearly done that!  More importantly, the “Y” jumped out at me. In this contentious world we need more of this. In glancing at the rest of the list, there are several that I need to be more conscious of doing, maybe the “N”. What about you? They don’t all apply to everyone, but most of them do. Life is short, here are 26 things to do while you can…

Avoid Collagen, Bloom Late, Celebrate, Dance At Weddings, Eat More Chocolate, Fall In Love Again, Go Grey, Hold Hands, Inspire, Jettison Grudges, Kiss Like You Mean It, Laugh, Mend Fences, Nurture Friendships, Open Doors, Perspire With Aplomb, Quit Whining, Rekindle Romance, Spoil Babies, Teach Someone To Read, Upset Convention, Volunteer, Wear Red, eXpect Joy, Yield Gracefully, Zing