


I do not consider myself to be much of a risk taker.  Unfortunately, not too many things in life can be accomplished without risk.  A risk-free life might feel safe and comfortable, but it may also feel empty and lacking purpose or direction.  I can’t think of anybody that I consider successful who has not taken risks.  In fact, most have failed multiple times on their path to success.  Risk taking is even more important to leaders.  Oftentimes, leaders must take the risks that other are not willing to take. They take the risk for the team. Consider this quote…


"Leaders take risks. That's not to say that they are reckless, because good leaders aren't. But they don't always take the safest route. Rarely can a person break ground and play it safe at the same time."

    -John C. Maxwell - The Right to Lead




We’ve all made mistakes and we’ll all make some more. The line that separates the best of us from the worst of us is a narrow one.

Your brother, sister, coworker, spouse, child, and friend all would like me to remind you that they each need grace. Just like you need forgiveness, so do they. There comes a time in every relationship when it’s damaging to seek justice, when settling the score only stirs the fire. There comes a time when the best thing you can do is accept your brother and offer them the same grace you’ve been given.


Portions of this MMM have been chosen from The Great House of God


Love & Forgiveness


As we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day today, give some thought to Dr. King’s quote:


“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”


Consider the relationship between love and forgiveness.


Goals & Resolutions (continued)



Our goals and resolutions are hard to accomplish alone.  We need the accountability of others.  We need the peer pressure to show up and stick to the plan.  Don’t go it alone.


·       Is getting in shape your goal?  Join a gym; hire a trainer; find a local running group; consult a nutritionist.

·       Want to grow and improve your business?  Hire a business coach or join a mastermind group.  Seek help outside your comfort zone.  Maybe even consider a CFO consultant. (I know one I can recommend!)

·       Need to improve your Faith life?  Ask a fellow believer to hold you accountable to your prayer/quiet time or a Bible reading plan.  Join a Bible study or small group.

·       Seeking to better deal with family issues or personal problems?  Seek professional counseling or a support group.  Others are dealing with the same things you are.


What do all the above have in common?  First, they require you to take some action.  Secondly, they involve other people knowing your goals and supporting you.  Third, don’t go it alone. 


Goals & Resolutions


Have you set goals for 2023?  Are you a New Year’s resolution person?  Is change on your horizon?  So here is the thing about goals and resolutions…


Nothing changes if nothing changes.  That sounds simple and obvious right?  Well it is, but it is not so simple to put into action.

  • You will not improve your relationships if you do not change your behavior and/or expectations.
  • The weight will not simply fall off of you without you modifying your diet and/or exercise.
  • Do you want to quit smoking?  You better have a very specific plan of exactly how to do that and be ready for the pain.
  • Is a higher income your goal?  What are your plans to sell more, increase margins, start a new business or change jobs?
  • Maybe there is a personal life or faith resolution you have in mind.  Those can be really tough.  They take real discipline to achieve.
  • You won’t save more money without spending less!
  • You can’t run, cycle or swim in the mornings without getting up earlier.

Change and personal growth is hard.  It takes work, dedication and discipline.  Most importantly it requires a change in behavior.  Nothing changes if nothing changes…


Happy New Year and good luck with your 2023 goals!