
Energy Leaks

Have you ever heard of something called an energy leak?  It is a feeling, behavior or attitude that drains you of energy.  Energy leaks are wasteful. They drain people of positive energy and momentum for no good reason.  Some examples of potential energy leaks...

·         Jealousy
·         Judging others
·         Holding grudges
·         Petty bickering
·         The blame game

There are many, maybe hundreds, more.  Everybody has energy leaks.  Yours may be different from those listed but we all have them.  The interesting thing is that we are generally pretty aware of them.  For some reason we think these thoughts and feelings might make us feel better.  Or we think that we cannot change them.  Maybe we even derive some misplaced satisfaction from them. 

The truth is… energy spent on these feelings and behaviors is a waste.  It produces no positive outcome and sucks the energy right out of you.  Use your energy on positive thoughts, feeling and behaviors and stop wasting time on energy leaks!



The MMM has on more than one occasion focused on the leadership quality of integrity.  Reputations and relationships rise and fall based on integrity or the lack of it.  I try to live a life where integrity is not only important to me, but is also clearly visible to others.  I think it is one of the greatest keys to leadership, not to mention one of the finest qualities we can pass on as parents.

In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities:
integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have
the first, the other two will kill you.
--Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet sums it up nicely but I would not limit it to employees.  I look for integrity in people that I develop relationships with in all aspects of my life.  So many great qualities are found where there is a solid base of integrity.


Conversations in Your Own Head

Do you talk to yourself?  Maybe not literally out loud, but do you have conversations with yourself in your own head?  I know I do, and I have to believe that most people do.  Is there a voice in your head that you cannot help but listen to?  How do those conversations go?  Are they positive, encouraging and uplifting?  Or are they negative, downgrading and discouraging.  All too often for me they can be the later. 

Why are we so hard on ourselves?  Maybe not everyone is.  Those that have mastered the ability to be positive and self-assuring in their own minds are likely to be more successful and maybe happier all around.  It is not easy to do.  We should understand that we need to be our own best friend, our own greatest supporter and biggest fan.  Why not? 

I am not suggesting arrogance here.  I am suggesting that we need to be positive about ourselves in our own minds.  We need to talk ourselves up, be encouraging.  Nothing but good can come from that. There are plenty of negative influences out there today.  We do not need another one in our own head!  Listen to your positive self in your own mind!  



I have written in the MMM before about wisdom and our ongoing pursuit of it.  I have also written about how impatient we are as humans.  Impatience and wisdom do not go well together.  Consider the following which addresses both points…

Wisdom is not proven by argument or debate.  Wisdom is proven over time.  Some people adamantly proclaim that their opinion is best.  Regardless of how convincingly these people defend their viewpoint, time is the best judge of their wisdom.  The result of a practice proves its validity, not how loudly it is promoted. 1

Be wary of those who seek to have their own wisdom acknowledged before it can be proven over time.  Also, be patience with your own understanding of wisdom. 

Have a blessed week.

1 – Taken from: Experiencing God Day-By-Day, Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby


Strengths as Weaknesses?

Strengths to an extreme can become a weakness.  It is an interesting concept right?  Think about what we consider strong character traits, and then consider how those same traits to an excess can actually be negatives.  This is true in leadership roles as well as our personal lives.  When using your core strengths you risk becoming blinded by your own success.  Remember the MMM last week about “Blind Spots”?   Consider some examples…

·         A driven and results-oriented person taken to an extreme can be a jerk who walks all over people.
·         If you are laid back and easygoing, in the extreme you’re a wimp who lets people walk all over you.
·         Outgoing and expressive people can become flakes who can’t get any real work done.
·         If you are detailed and precise, taken to an extreme you become an anal retentive perfectionist.

Be careful to monitor how you use your strengths.  They have clearly gotten you where you are, but to an extreme they can be a risk.  Ask yourself if you unknowingly overplay a strong suit to the detriment of a bigger goal.  Are you aware of this potential or is it hiding in your blind spot?