
Strengths as Weaknesses?

Strengths to an extreme can become a weakness.  It is an interesting concept right?  Think about what we consider strong character traits, and then consider how those same traits to an excess can actually be negatives.  This is true in leadership roles as well as our personal lives.  When using your core strengths you risk becoming blinded by your own success.  Remember the MMM last week about “Blind Spots”?   Consider some examples…

·         A driven and results-oriented person taken to an extreme can be a jerk who walks all over people.
·         If you are laid back and easygoing, in the extreme you’re a wimp who lets people walk all over you.
·         Outgoing and expressive people can become flakes who can’t get any real work done.
·         If you are detailed and precise, taken to an extreme you become an anal retentive perfectionist.

Be careful to monitor how you use your strengths.  They have clearly gotten you where you are, but to an extreme they can be a risk.  Ask yourself if you unknowingly overplay a strong suit to the detriment of a bigger goal.  Are you aware of this potential or is it hiding in your blind spot?

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