Our goal as leaders, public
speakers and thought leaders should be almost singularly focused on movement.
It matters not what we say, the message we deliver, or the thoughts we convey,
if they do not lead to movement. When I say movement, I mean action. I mean forward
movement. I mean progress. That's what we want to instill in teams and
organizations. Forward motion should be our constant goal.
Sure, we can speak on
platitudes and concepts, but if they don't lead to action (movement) what good
have we done? Think about your next staff meeting. What about your next
company address? How about your next one-on-one with your team leader? Are you
conveying a message that creates movement? I feel like it's one of the greatest
leadership questions we can face. Are we encouraging movement? Does our
leadership result in action?
Who will you help move forward
this week?