

There is not enough kindness in the world if you ask me.  We are too quick to judge, too worried about ourselves, and always in a hurry.  A bit of kindness goes a long way and may actually make someone’s day.  My wife Fran, is one of the kindest people I know (way more than me).  She is always doing things for others.  It is a great attribute for her to have as a teacher.  Here is the saying that she reminds me of often and lives by daily…

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

We all have battles, big or small, personal or professional, emotional or physical.  That barista you think is slow is battling.  The driver of the car that just cut in front of you to turn is battling.  Your co-worker who just missed a deadline is battling.  Just remember that before you react, consider a little kindness. 

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