
Aim Lower?

Tough circumstances often call for smaller, less lofty goals.  A lot has been made of setting stretch goals both personally and in business.  The theory being that they encourage over-achievement and far reaching success.  In good times, with momentum and confidence that may be true.  In more challenging times when we feel overwhelmed such lofty goals just add to that feeling.  The thing is that the dread is often worse than the dreaded.  We can dread a goal or task so much because of its perceived enormity that we never get started.  The size of the goal can actually cause paralysis and no action is taken at all.  Smaller, manageable, less daunting goals can be confidence builders.  They can be the antidote for the paralysis.  This is certainly true in these difficult times.  Hard times are for maintaining, rebuilding and retrenching.  Stretch goals are not appropriate in these times and can actually prove demoralizing.  It may sound strange to say but…  Pick one thing and aim lower this week.

Happy President’s Day!

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