

Positions and titles can cloud the judgment of leaders.  Often when leaders reach a certain level, or status, they seem to think they are required to independently have all the answers.  It is like they believe that with the title comes the obligation and ability to answer every question immediately and correctly themselves.  They put undue pressure upon themselves to respond with authority even when they may not be confident of the answer.

Great leaders do not fall trap to this thinking.  They know that quality leadership requires a decision making process.  That process may require time and it may involve other resources.  Good decision making does not come as the result of a title or a position, but is the result of experience, wisdom, and thoughtful processing of the circumstances.  Making the ultimate decision is different from feeling like you must have an immediate answer to every circumstance.  Great leaders are always prepared to step up and make a decision.  But in doing so they know they don’t have to respond immediately and have all of the answers themselves.  They know to consult experts, conduct research and fully consider all options.  Our responsibility as leaders is to make sound, well thought out and rational decisions, not to simply have an answer.


Leadership - Foresight

Several years ago my wife, Fran, and I spent the 4th of July in the birthplace of this great country.  We were in Philadelphia and toured Independence Hall and visited the Liberty Bell.  It was really special to actually be there on the 4th!  It is hard to fathom that we were in the same building where our founding fathers literally crafted our independence over 200 years ago. 

Their story is one of incredible courage and unbelievable foresight.  At the time no country in the world was ruled “by the people” the way they conceived this country to be.  They had to be courageous to stand up against the British.  They had to have foresight to see the great potential of a free country ruled by its’ people.  They also had to have an understanding of the potential impact of what they were doing. 

Leaders who do not see their potential impact may actually miss leadership opportunities altogether.  I am thankful for, and actually in awe of, how our forefathers made thoughtful, courageous and impactful decisions.  Those decisions have served this country well over the years.  While our own individual impact may not be quite so far reaching (although you never know) we certainly can impact the world around us.  To do so we have to be courageous.  We must think and act with foresight.  Most of all, we need to grasp the potential impact of our leadership decisions. 

Our founding fathers took decisive action in the face of a leadership opportunity over 200 years ago.  Today we live in the greatest country in the world as a result of their actions.  God Bless America!     



One of the most critical attributes of a great leader is consistency.  If you know me well you know how I feel about consistency; this is not the first MMM devoted to the topic.  Steady and consistent leadership develops loyal followers.  It maintains calm, and stabilizes expectations.  Consistency means that when the question is the same, the answer is the same, no matter if the names and places change.  The answer is the same no matter the emotional, financial or legal implications.  Dependable answers and consistent responses create a stable environment where expectations are clear.  This does not mean that different times may not require different responses.  It does not mean that business circumstances can’t dictate changes in policy.  It does mean however, that people know what to expect from their leader.  John Maxwell says “If people do not know what to expect from a leader, they will come to expect nothing.”  As leaders we should want people to know what to expect from us.  Great leaders have sound values and convictions.  Those things do not change and therefore they are consistent in their leadership.  A great leader is the rock of consistency for their team, followers, business or family.



Last week the MMM concluded with this statement…  The fact is, leadership opportunities surround us daily.  Do not take your leadership opportunity lightly.  It is the opportunity to literally change the outcome of the world around you.

Did you think about it?  Do you believe it?  Do you live it?  I know that I often fall into the trap of letting the world happen around me.  I tend to wait for things to resolve themselves.  I sometimes wait for people to change themselves or to come to some resolution on their own. That is a weakness.  It is passive leadership.  Actually, it is the absence of leadership.  I need to be  a more proactive leader.  None of us should just let the world happen “to” us.  More importantly we should not just let the world happen “to” those we love and causes we care about.   We should seize the opportunity to:
  • Lead by teaching our kids how to make wise educated decisions and live productively.
  • Lead by example in how we handle adversity and challenges at work and home.
  • Lead civic and social initiatives that improve our communities and the lives of others.
  • Lead confidently through change and challenges at our places of work.
  • Lead with integrity by doing the “right thing” no matter the circumstances.

Lead like this and you will change the world around you.



We are all leaders.  In some role, somewhere, each of us is a leader.  It may be at home with our family and/or kids.  Possibly it is in a community or volunteer role.  Perhaps it is at our church or in our neighborhood.  It is certainly at work where leadership roles can be both formal by title, and informal by influence.  For many people, it is in most, if not all of these roles all at one time.   We are all leaders.  No matter the nature or significance of the leadership role it comes with responsibility.  Leaders have the opportunity to change, impact and influence people and the world around them.  Young children learn from the leadership of their parents; corporate managers learn from their CEO’s and there hundreds of examples in between.   The fact is, leadership opportunities surround us daily.  Do not take your leadership opportunity lightly.  It is the opportunity to literally change the outcome of the world around you. 

I will take the next few weeks and spend some time on the topic of leadership which is the fundamental purpose of the MMM.