
The Blind Spot

I am a fan of the leadership teaching and the writings of Dr. John Maxwell.  I recently read a great article of his regarding “The Blind Spot”.  He began with the following definition.

The Blind Spot – An area in the lives of people in which they continually do not see themselves, or their situation, realistically.  This unawareness often causes great damage to the people and those around them.

It is true, isn’t it?  We get so incredibly caught up in our own world that we cannot objectively see our situation.  It is like we have blinders on regarding our own behavior and surroundings.  Have you ever heard someone say “Can’t they see what they are doing?” or “Don’t they know how they are being taken advantage of?”  It is easier to spot negative circumstances or behaviors in others than in ourselves.  The challenge is to look at ourselves and our situations as objectively as possibly.  It is much easier said than done.  It requires the relaxing of one’s defenses, and the willingness to be vulnerable, but it can help you avoid harm to yourself or your business as well as some potential embarrassment.  Think about it; are you aware of your blind spots?


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