

Wisdom is a favorite topic of the MMM.  I find myself constantly seeking wisdom as well as searching out those whom I think possess wisdom.  My search for wisdom is a constant on my prayer list.  Whatever wisdom really is, I think we all need it.  The world would be a better place if people exercised a bit of wisdom before taking action.  Yet it is not always that simple.  Wisdom often takes more time and patience than we naturally possess.  It can also require an open mindedness that may make us uncomfortable.  I have written before about wisdom and our ongoing pursuit of it.  I have also written about how impatient we are as humans.  Consider the following which addresses both points…

Wisdom is not proven by argument or debate.  Wisdom is proven over time.  Some people adamantly proclaim that their opinion is best.  Regardless of how convincingly these people defend their viewpoint, time is the best judge of their wisdom.  The result of a practice proves its validity, not how loudly it is promoted. 1

This is so true in our country right now.

Have a blessed week.

 1 Taken from: Experiencing God Day-By-Day, Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby

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