
Are You Watering Your Grass?

When was the last time you made an intentional effort to improve your circumstance or better yourself?  We often covet other people’s jobs, lives or situations.  It is the old “grass is greener” theory.  The fact is that our grass is in our control.  It is our yard to work and play in.  Consider this…

"It is a myth to think that grass is greener on the other side. The truth is...the grass is greener where you water it."

-Keith A. Craft


Don’t spend your efforts on the lawn across the street.  Do what you can to make your lawn more enjoyable; join a networking or peer advisory group, read a self-help or leadership book, become active is a trade organization, take continuing education classes,  or a Bible study group at a church. 


Quit worrying about the grass being greener elsewhere, water your own grass!

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