


The world is comprised of three types of people…


  1. Those who make things happen.
  2. Those who watch and/or follow what happens.
  3. Those who ask what happened.


Hopefully we are not always #3!  However, in certain aspects of our life, we likely are the ones who ask, “what happened?”. It is hard to be #1 or #2 regarding every area of our lives, much less to be #1 all the time.  To me the key is which one of these are we regarding things that really matter?  For instance, family, marriage, faith, parenting, or whatever may be of absolute importance to us. What are we in those roles?  It is okay to be #3 about entertainment, sports, fashion, or even current events.  It is not okay to be #3 regarding things of significance. 


When it comes to the things that really matter, we all should strive to be one of those who make things happen!

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