
Positive Feedback


Are you complimentary when you receive good service?  Do you provide a lift to someone by acknowledging their smile or positive outlook?  You might be surprised at the difference you can make in someone’s day by simply being complimentary. 


Here are just a few…

·         When a hotel clerk greets you with a smile and helpful attitude make sure they know you noticed. 

·         When the dry cleaner’s employee is prompt and professional, genuinely thank them. 

·         When your dining waitstaff is especially efficient give them a compliment and maybe even a larger tip. 

People that serve others for a living are often mistreated. Can you do your part to change that?  If they are doing a really exceptional job, go out of your way to let their boss know.  Positive feedback is a great motivator and can change someone’s day, maybe even their future!


Pay someone a genuine compliment today and have a blessed week!

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